PCT Loading Dock, Corvallis Facilities Design

A few years after designing a major addition for this industrial client, they decided to bring us back to add a loading dock. Space was tight in the parking lot for truck maneuvering, but we were able to enclose the existing shipping and receiving area, and add this covered loading dock to the end of the building.

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Facilities Design Projects

Metals Finishing Facility

Pillar was directly responsible for building code analysis, building site layout, structural engineering and civil engineering for this metals finishing facility.

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Chem Mill Facility

Pillar was directly responsible for building code analysis, building site layout, structural engineering and civil engineering for this titanium investment casting facility.

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Western Warehouse

With over 135,000 square feet of area, this 600 foot long warehouse building required a building expansion joint to deal with the thermal effects of such a large structure. Multiple loading docks, wide bay spacing and energy efficient design elements create a highly efficient storage and distribution facility.

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Hazardous Use Industrial Building

A severely corrosive atmosphere made precast concrete construction the optimum choice for this high-bay building, which also houses a 10-ton overhead bridge crane. Tight building pad area constraints were overcome through the use of a retaining wall under one wall of the building.

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Pace American Facility

Pillar Consulting Group was the prime professional for this 40,000 square foot trailer manufacturing facility. The building includes 4000 square feet of office space and a large paint booth, which required careful building and fire code studies to ensure compliance and acceptance of the local Fire Marshall.

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Insitu Hanger

Pillar Consulting Group provided building design, land-use planning, civil engineering, structural engineering and MEP engineering for this drone testing facility.

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